1. 旅遊時配戴隱眼很方便,但長時間在外活動、當眼睛感到乾澀時應該如何呢? 出門遊玩、上山下水、追趕跑跳碰時,配戴隱形眼鏡不受框架束縛是很好的選擇,但「乾澀」幾乎是隱形眼鏡配戴者最常見的困擾。軟式隱形眼鏡的水分隨著配戴時間會蒸發,且出門遊玩、長時間配戴鏡片,加上騎車或玩遊樂設施等吹風刺激,更容易讓眼睛感到乾澀不適。
建議出門遊玩時可30 分鐘眨眼、讓眼睛休息一下,或點隱形眼鏡潤滑液或不含防腐劑的人工淚液,以滋潤雙眼、舒緩乾澀狀況。而隨著科技發展,新的矽水膠材質,不僅透氧率比一般隱形眼鏡高,可讓眼睛自由呼吸,鏡片也較不易吸收淚液、造成乾澀,是國外廣受專業推薦的新隱形眼鏡材質。
2. 夏日進行水上活動時,可否使用隱形眼鏡呢? 夏日玩水不論游泳、潛水或溪邊戲水,都是常見的消暑活動。美國FDA建議隱形眼鏡不要碰到水,包括洗澡的自來水、游泳池水、海水或SPA泡湯等熱水,因此玩水時配戴有度數的蛙鏡或特別的潛水鏡,是比較安全的選擇。但需要特別注意的是,蛙鏡度數不一定與眼鏡相同,配戴時需留意度數的選擇;此外選擇防霧鍍膜的鏡片,或使用一般蛙鏡前以洗碗精清洗或下水前先泡一下水,都可以避免起霧,度數戴對並避免起霧可以讓您在水中看得更清楚。
3. 紫外線常達過量或危險級,眼睛要如何防曬呢? 夏日到墾丁進行沙灘與海上活動是當季的熱門休閒選擇。多數人知道全年皮膚要防曬、要塗防曬產品,卻常忽略沙灘與海面都是大片水平面積,會大量反射紫外線進入眼睛,而紫外線會讓眼白長出贅肉、水晶體形成白內障,也容易傷害眼底黃斑部,讓眼睛提早老化。
因此不只皮膚,眼睛更要防紫外線,眼睛防紫外線的方式包括:戴帽子、使用遮陽傘、戴太陽眼鏡,甚至隱形眼鏡配戴者可考慮選用具有防紫外線功能的隱形眼鏡,可隨時將瞳孔包覆住、減少透過瞳孔進入眼底的紫外線量。也可以搭配UV400或UV 100 %的太陽眼鏡,以阻擋所有紫外線波長,讓眼睛不刺眼更舒服。
4. 旅行、運動時配戴隱形眼鏡很方便,需要注意哪些事項? 外出旅行時常常活動很多、早出晚歸,可能連續數日、每日長時間配戴隱形眼鏡,此時最擔心的眼睛沒有機會裸眼接觸空氣而缺氧。
5. 女性在配戴彩抛時,應該注意哪些事項? 為了在旅行時留下美好的回憶,女性朋友常會配戴彩色隱形眼鏡、搭配妝容,讓拍照或自拍時眼睛更加亮麗有神。
廖思婷是台灣少數擁有美國視光醫師 ( Doctor of Optometry)證照的驗光師,目前在高雄一家眼科診所工作,並擔任台灣眼視光學學會秘書長。期望透過國外的學經歷協助台灣的驗光專業朝正向發展,並分享專業知識幫助消費者更健康、舒服地配戴隱形眼鏡!
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BenQ Materials ("BenQ Materials," "we" or "our") uses cookies on our websites to create the most effective website possible for you. This Cookie Policy explains what cookies are, how we use them on our websites, what benefits they bring, as well as your right to control their use. This Policy forms part of the BenQ Materials Privacy Policy
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Cookies are small pieces of data that are downloaded to your computer or mobile device when you visit a website or application.
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Some sites use things like web beacons, clear GIFs, page tags and web bugs to understand how people are using them and to target advertising to them. They usually take the form of a small, transparent image that is embedded in a web page or email. They work with cookies and capture data like your IP address, when you viewed the page or email, what device you were using and where you were. You can find out how to avoid them here.
Read on to find out more about the different kinds of cookie we use. If you like you can turn BenQ Materials cookies on or off here.
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List of strictly necessary cookies
Functional cookies
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List of functional cookies
Performance cookies
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List of performance cookies
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A cookie is a small text file that can be stored on and accessed from your device when you visit our websites. This allows us to store or retrieve information about you, your preferences or your device and to ensure the website performs as you expect it to. We may also use web beacons or similar technologies on our websites to enable us to know whether you came to our websites from an online advertisement displayed on a third-party website, measure the success of email marketing campaigns, and improve our website performance.
Please be aware that if you choose not to receive our cookies, we cannot guarantee that your experience will be as fulfilling as it would otherwise be.
We may update this Policy from time to time. If we make significant changes we will revise this Policy to reflect such changes. We encourage you to periodically review this Policy to be informed of the most updated version.
Page updated: December 2020
Some essential features on BenQ Materials sites just won't work without cookies. And having other cookies switched off can seriously affect the way you'll be able to enjoy our services.
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These cookies are essential so that you can move around the website and use its features. Without these cookies services you have asked for cannot be provided.
These cookies allow the website to remember choices you make to give you better functionality and personal features.
hese cookies help to improve the performance of BenQ Materials. If you want to opt-out of advertising cookies, you have to turn-off performance cookies.
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You can change your browser's settings so it'll tell you when cookies get sent to it. Or it can refuse cookies altogether. Check the Help section in your browser for more info.
You can change your BenQ Materials cookie settings here.
And there's more info about cookies in general here.
Some internet browsers have a DNT setting. This sends a signal to websites asking them not to track your browsing.
This doesn't work with BenQ Materials websites at the moment. But you can always change your BenQ Materials cookie settings here.
You can normally render them ineffective by switching off cookies in your browser. There are also browser add-ons and extensions that specifically block web beacons.
To avoid web beacons in emails, you can turn off images in your email service. Check your email's Help section to find out how.
if you have any other questions about our Cookie Policy, please contact us.
美若康公司(以下簡稱本公司)作為處理您個人資料之控制者,因此本公司將依循歐盟一般資料保護規則(General Data Protection Regulation;簡稱GDPR)處理與保護您的個人資料,請詳閱下列告知事項: